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White Silk & Red Satin

Wines from Bestselling Novelist

E L James


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Wine plays an important role in Fifty Shades of Grey, reflecting the sensuality that pervades every encounter between Anastasia and Christian.  I've always had a penchant for good wine, so helping to create the blends Red Satin and White Silk felt like a natural extension of the Fifty Shades Trilogy.  I hope all of you curl up with a glass to savor the romance and the passion.


E L James


Featured This Month

Fifty Shades of Grey Red Satin Rated 90 POINTS

Round and Delicious" FSG Red Satin Nabs A 90 From James Suckling

Please hit pause on your latest viewing of the Fifty Shades of Grey DVD, we promise this is worth it: Wine critic extraordinaire James Suckling (formerly of Wine Spectator magazine) has just given FSG Red Satin a score of 90 on JamesSuckling.com!

The grooviness continues with Mr. Suckling's tasting notes...  >>


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